
Universite Clermont Auvergne

Accueil du site > Propositions de stages, post-doc & thèses > Propositions de stages > Studying the sensitivity of the Upgrade Phase II LHCb Calorimeter for the rare decay B0 -> π0π0, where one π0 decays to the Dalitz e+e-γ channel

Studying the sensitivity of the Upgrade Phase II LHCb Calorimeter for the rare decay B0 → π0π0, where one π0 decays to the Dalitz e+e-γ channel

Sujet de Stage M2, 2025
Laboratoire : Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont Auvergne
UMR 6533, Université Clermont Auvergne (France)

Studying the sensitivity of the Upgrade Phase II LHCb Calorimeter for the rare decay B0 → π0π0, where one π0 decays to the Dalitz e+e-γ channel

Supervisor : Vincent TISSERAND (LPCA)

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